Every photographer seems to have a renewed sense of inspiration when they visit a new location. Some of my best photographs were made at locations I visited for the first time. The real trick is to create great images in ordinary places. I often pick a spot close to home and make believe it is a new location. Removing the pretense of ordinary from the location allows my creative juices to flow, usually with good results.
These images were taken in my backyard!
One exercise you can do to help with creative block is to make sure to move your feet. Put differently, your feet are the best zoom lens you have! The two images below are the same plant, taken at the same time, on the same day. The only difference is that each image is taken from the opposite side of the plant!
The above image of front lit sea grass with fall foliage in the background is a nice image.
Here the sea grass is backlit and turned into a b&w image for effect which I think makes the image much more compelling.
So next time you think you don’t have any good subjects to photograph, stop making excuses and get out and shoot.
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